15 research outputs found

    Sistem Kontrol Peralatan Rumah Tangga Berbasis Jaringan Saraf Tiruan

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    Makalah ini meneliti integrasi peralatan rumah tangga yang dikendalikan dan dipantau menggunakan IoT (Internet of Things).  Untuk mengaktifkan sistem kontrol rumah  untuk memantau aktivitas dalam rumah dan bertindak sesuai dengan kondisi saat ini, dilengkapi dengan beberapa sensor, aktuator, dan peralatan cerdas.  Perangkat ini harus terhubung ke internet, sehingga mereka dapat mengirim informasi dan menyediakan layanan untuk penghuninya. Meskipun tujuan utama dari rumah pintar adalah untuk memberikan kenyamanan dan kemudahan, juga harus mengatasi masalah efisiensi energi dan penggunaan sumber energi terbarukan. Adaptive linear Neural Network diimplementasikan dalam prototipe sebagai algoritma untuk memprediksi keputusan berdasarkan kondisi saat ini. Pembangunan sistem terpadu yang diusulkan dilakukan melalui beberapa prosedur, yaitu pelaksanaan ADALINE (Adaptive linear) sebagai metode jaringan saraf, desain prototipe, dan proses pengujian.  Prototipe ini mengintegrasikan fungsionalitas beberapa peralatan rumah tangga ke dalam satu aplikasi yang dikendalikan oleh kerangka kerja berbasis Android. &nbsp

    Optimization of smart traffic lights to prevent traffic congestion using fuzzy logic

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    One of the main causes of traffic congestion, especially at intersections, is because traffic lights have not been able to show the right time according to the existing traffic conditions. Time settings based on peak/off-peak traffic lights are not enough to handle unexpected situations. The fuzzy mamdani method makes decisions with several stages, the criteria used are the number of vehicles, the length of the queue and the width of the road to be able to optimize the time settings based on the real-time conditions required so that unwanted green signals (when there is no queue) can be avoided. The purpose of this research is to create a simulator to optimize traffic time management, so that the timers on each track have the intelligence to predict the right time, so that congestion at the intersection can be reduced by adding up to 15 seconds of green light from the previous time in the path of many vehicles

    The design of a smart home controller based on ADALINE

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    This paper proposes a prototype of an improved smart home controller that implements a neural network-based algorithm for enabling the controller to make decisions and act based on the current condition. Unlike previous approaches, this design also utilizes the use of IoT (internet of thing) technology and neural network based-algorithm for developing the controller. Since a smart home is equipped with various sensors, actuators, smart appliances, and mobile terminals, all of these devices need to be connected to the Internet to be able to communicate and provide services for its occupants. The construction of the proposed controller is carried out through several procedures, i.e. the implementation of the ADALINE (adaptive linear) as the neural network method, the design of the smart home controller prototype, and the validation process using mean average percentage error (MAPE) calculation. This prototype integrates functionalities of several household appliances into one application controlled by a smartphone. ADALINE is applied as an algorithm to predict output when the controller is in automatic mode. Although the obtained accuracy value is still not satisfactory, the value is bound to change when testing on more data. The work published in this paper may encourage the implementation of smart technology in more households in Indonesia.

    Aplikasi Penerimaan Siswa Baru (PSB) Berbasis Web Pada SDIT Yasir Cipondoh

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    SDIT Yasir is an Islamic elementary school located in Cipondoh, Tangerang. The Web-Based New Student Admission was created to make prospective students easier to register the school and to manage data student easily for school. Users of this application are prospective students and the registration part at SDIT Yasir. There are 5 menus available on this application, namely registration, check email, payment, payment verification and change payment data

    Analisis Faktual Keterbatasan Pemanfaatan Sarana Dan Prasarana Penunjang Proses Belajar Mengajar Dilingkungan STT PLN

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    PLN Engineering of College (STT PLN) is a campus that has a big potential to continue to grow, especially in the Department of Information Engineering. Along with the continued increase in students, to impact the use of campus facilities and infrastructure for the learning process and also more dense lecture scheduling process. This study aims to find an effective solution to the limitations of the use of infrastructures means that the learning process can run smoothly. To avoid inconsistencies in the modeling, then the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) against the criteria, sub-criteria and strategic alternatives with respondents to determine the stage of making a valid model with significant elements that affect models. Results obtained from the questionnaire FGD are significant criteria, sub-criteria significant, and significant alternatives that make up the decision making process. Data processing respondents in this FGD, processed using statistical methods conchrant Q test. Having obtained the criteria, sub-criteria and strategic alternatives valid next step using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to the data processing using Expert Choice program in 2000

    Teknologi Content Management System (CMS) Dinamis untuk Pengembangan Aplikasi Penerimaan Siswa Baru (PSB) SDIT Yasir Cipondoh

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    Penerimaan Siswa Baru adalah kegiatan tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh semua sekolah pada setiap tahun ajaran baru, tidak terkecuali SDIT Yasir yang terletak di Cipondoh Tangerang. Untuk menjangkau para calon  siswa yang berdomisili diluar Cipondoh, diperlukan suatu pengembangan aplikasi Penerimaan Siswa Baru yang berbasis web dengan semua fitur standar yang diperlukan untuk memudahkan calon siswa baru dan pihak sekolah. Terdapat beberapa fitur menu diantaranya registrasi, verifikasi pembayaran, jadwal tes dan laporan pendaftaran siswa baru.&nbsp

    Pelatihan E-Learning Google Classroom di SMAIT Asy-Syukriyyah Cipondoh

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    SMAIT Asy-Syukriyyah is a high school located in Cipondoh, about 12 km from STTPLN. This high school has  started to implement the distance learning method  via  the Internet, or known as  E-Learning, as a complement to the existing teaching and learning process. One of the obstacles faced by the school in organizing E-Learning is the lack of human resources. The ability of teachers and the number of teachers who use E-Learning are still limited, as well as  the students abilities. Therefore, the PKM Team from STT PLN intends to hold training  for new students so that these students know the benefits of E-Learning and get to know the basics of using Google Classroom, as an application for E-Learning  chosen by the school. The training is divided into several classes, each of which contains approximately 20 students. Each student is given the opportunity to practice directly through a computer or smartphone. The total number of participants who took part in the training was 82 students. And from the questionnaire given, all stated that the training provided was useful .

    Pelatihan Internet dan Pengenalan E-Commerce Bagi Masyarakat Desa Ciaruteun Ilir Bogor

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    Ciaruteun Ilir is a village in the District of Cibungbulang, Bogor. It is located approximately 25 kilometres from the capital of  the Bogor Regency. The average population, mostly farming, is on the poverty line and has a low level of education. Formal education facilities are still very limited. Therefore, training and courses from the government and other parties are needed to increase the knowledge, broaden their mind, and improve the skills of the population. The courses that are organized are expected to increase the villagersā€™  income. While broader mind is expected to increase citizens' awareness of the importance of education. The PKM (Program Kemitraan Masyarakat or  community service program) team intends to provide training related to Information Technology to the public, especially regarding the introduction of the Internet. The public will be introduced to the Internet and E-Commerce, which is one of the Internet applications that allows buying and selling transactions through the Internet network. The internet will open opportunities for citizens to increase knowledge and learn from various sources. With E-Commerce training, villagers will be equipped with the ability to be able to introduce products from their villages and  doing commercial transactions  via the Internet.Ciaruteun Ilir  adalah suatu desa di Kecamatan Cibungbulang di Kabupaten Bogor. Desa ini terletak sekitar 25 kilometer dari ibukota Kabupaten Bogor. Rata-rata masyarakatnya, yang sebagian besar bekerja di bidang pertanian, berada di garis kemiskinan dan memiliki tingkat pendidikan rendah. Fasilitas pendidikan formal masih sangat terbatas. Oleh karena itu, pelatihan dan kursus dari pemerintah maupun pihak-pihak  lain diperlukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, memperluas wawasan, dan meningkatkan keterampilan penduduk. Kursus-kursus yang diselenggarakan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan warga desa. Sementara itu, wawasan yang lebih luas diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran warga akan pentingnya pendidikan. Tim PKM (Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ) STT-PLN bermaksud untuk memberikan pelatihan terkait Teknologi Informasi kepada publik, khususnya mengenai pengenalan Internet. Selain itu, warga akan diberi pelatihan mengenai  E-Commerce, yang merupakan salah satu aplikasi Internet yang memungkinkan transaksi jual beli melalui jaringan internet. Internet akan membuka peluang bagi warga untuk menambah pengetahuan dan belajar dari berbagai sumber. Dengan pelatihan E-Commerce, penduduk desa akan dilengkapi dengan kemampuan untuk dapat memperkenalkan produk dari desa mereka dan melakukan transaksi komersial melalui Internet


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    Perencanaaan Strategis Sistem Informasi menjadi begitu penting ketika isu competitive advantage dan pencapaian target LEMIGAS menjadi fokus bagi manajemen organisasi. LEMIGAS sebagai institusi pemerintah yang bergerak di bidang penelitian dan pengembangan (litbang) kemigasan merasa perlu mengimplementasikan sistem informasi yang baik dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, efektivitas, dan produktivitas organisasi.Ā  Selain itu, kurangnya integrasi data di organisasi, prioritas pengadaan Teknologi Informasi (TI) yang tidak berdasarkan kebutuhan bisnis, serta strategi teknologi yang tidak selaras menjadi isu yang mendasari kebutuhan LEMIGAS akan perencanaan strategis Sistem Informasi/Teknologi Informasi (SI/TI). Tulisan ini dibuat agar dapat menghasilkan suatu usulan Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi bagi LEMIGAS yang mendukung rencana strategis (strategic plan) dan rencana bisnis (business plan) mereka. Deliverables dari proses ini adalah strategi manajemen SI/TI (IS/IT managementĀ  Strategy), strategi SI bisnis (business IS strategy), dan strategi TI (IT strategy). Manajemen Strategi SI/TI mencakup usulan struktur organisasi unit TI yang baru dan beberapa prinsip penerapan TI. Sedangkan strategi SI bisnis (business IS strategy) berisi usulan aplikasi-aplikasi yang sebaiknya diimplementasikan. Selanjutnya, strategi TI menjelaskan rencana inftrastruktur TI dan strategi implementasi IS/ITĀ  diĀ  LEMIGAS

    Algoritma Perceptron Menggunakan Teknik Machine Learning Untuk Model Smart Distribution Beban Listrik

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    Algoritma  Perceptron sebagai bagian dari teknik Artificial Intellligence (AI) dapat di implementasikan untuk memecahkan permasalah di berbagai bidang termasuk energi kelistrikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat model dalam bidang energi kelistrikan berbasis AI yang memiliki masalah utama dalam sistem distribusi listrik yaitu jumlah gangguan yang relatif banyak dibandingkan dengan jumlah gangguan pada sistem lain. Algoritma Perceptron diketahui mampu menghasilkan model untuk melakukan prediksi kerusakan jalur distribusi listrik. Pemetaan dengn mengimplementasikan konsep Machine Learning menggunakan algoritma perceptron berhasil mengatasi dan memproteksi gangguan dengan pembagian proporsi beban yang maksimal yang bekerja secara in line dari arsitektur jaringan yang telah ditetapka